Resonate 2022

01augAll Day04Resonate 2022For Newly Licensed Workers

Event Details

Resonate provides recently licensed workers with information on how The Alliance operates, information on available resources for the local church, and excellent networking opportunities with the National Office. It is also a great opportunity for licensed workers that have not attended this event in the last three years to participate. Workers will familiarize themselves with current operations, and this would satisfy one of the ordination and consecration requirements. District superintendents shall encourage and make possible for new workers, and those in the consecration and ordination process that have not attended the event in the past, to participate. 

 * Newly Licensed workers are required to attend EITHER Resonate or the New Official Workers Forum- Jan. 28, 2023 at the district office in Elizabeth, NJ. 



August 1, 2022 - August 4, 2022 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)

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