Our Purpose
To initiate reconciliation, restoration and service to the broken and disenfranchised among us as a mandate of Christ.
Our vision is that our Metro District churches be the leading voice in word and deed in the area of Kingdom Justice & Mercy. We strive for all licensed workers/churches to have a theological understanding that Kingdom Justice & Mercy is biblical and rooted in, not separated from, the Gospel. We work with our Metro District churches to establish a clearly articulated plan or set of action steps for how each church educates, promotes, initiates, and evaluates Kingdom Justice & Mercy for their local and church context.
Our Strategy

Education We grow in understanding of the Metro District's five focus areas: Racial Unity, Immigrant & Refugee Support, the Advancement of Women in Ministry, Anti-human Trafficking, and Prison Reform. We approach these five areas of focus with a posture of listening, lamenting, learning, and laboring in love.
Proclamation We proclaim Christ’s KJ&M from our leadership platforms and spaces of influence. These include the Sunday morning pulpit, small groups, educational events, and spaces of influence within our local communities.
Initiation We equip churches to engage the calling the Lord has for each church to initiate KJ&M.

Evalution We are led by the Holy Spirit to evaluate how effective our KJ&M practices are at impacting our church and local community with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Connect with Justice Engagement

These are the resources our Kingdom Justice & Mercy Team has found most helpful navigating our five areas of focus. You will find helpful books, videos, and articles that can help further educate and engage your local church in the area of KJ&M.
Preaching Series
The Kingdom Justice & Mercy Team has curated a 6-week sermon series to help your church biblically engage justice in our world. We also recommend reading Generous Justice by Tim Keller.

Here you can find our previous trainings on Racial Unity, Refugee & Immigrant Support, and Anti-Human Trafficking. You will be able to get a deeper dive into biblical justice as well as further resources for next steps within your church.
Envision NYC
We serve immigrant communities who are unreached by the gospel. Our desire is to partner with change agents in these communities and leverage access to the gospel among them. We sow seeds of the gospel into the community through every relationship we have, and we equip churches and emerging leaders with the skills and cultural awareness to reach the unreached.

Missions & Justice Engagement Team

Omar Niebles Director of Missions and Justice Engagement

Brian Davis Envision NYC